
Manny places in the world it hase become leagal to grow som varieties of cannabis. Mostly it is the varieties that have les then 0,2% THC. It is ileagal to grow cannabis with higher amount then 0,2% THC. The plant grows easy in nature in almoste all climates however some viareties are better choice then others. We recomend farmers to do farming organic or acording to permaculture pricimple to avoid problems with pest and in order to get best quality. Once the plant is it good soil it only needs water and sun in order to grow. We also recomend to plant manny different varieties same time, because one viarety can be sesetive to a pest or unforseen climate conditions while another thrive!

Farming manual out door:

Farming manual greenhouse:

Insect problem?
If you are so unlucky that some invading insect attacs your field there are ways to manage the problem. We are working on identifying the optimal insecticide, however at the monent it is possible to buy products online e.g Mycotrol O is a biological insecticide used to control primarily the nymphal and larval stages of whitefly, thrips, aphids, psyllids, mealybugs, scarab beetles, plant bugs, weevils and many other insects in greenhouse and field crops. Based on the highly successful fungus, Beauveria bassiana, strain GHA, it controls the most troublesome crop pests even resistant strains. There are also several other products avalible like: Naturalis-L is another bio-insecticide based on the fungus Beauveria bassiana.

Snail & Slug problem?
Slugs and snails can become greenhouse pests when the humidity is high. Slugs are fleshy, slimy animals that feed mainly at night. They prefer cool, moist hiding places during the day. Slugs rasp on leaves, stems, flowers and roots. They produce holes in the leaves or just scar the leaf surface. Small seedlings are especially vulnerable to these creatures. Silvery slime trails are evidence of snail and slug infestations.
Sanitation is important for slug control. Keep the greenhouse free of plant debris (leaves, pulled weeds, etc.), old boards, bricks or stones that provide cool, moist hiding places for slugs. Barriers of diatomaceous earth, lime, sawdust, copper stripping and salt-embedded plastic strips can be used around benches. Metaldehyde or mesurol bait pellets can be distributed beneath the benches in greenhouses for slug and snail control on ornamentals. Do not allow pellets to come in contact with plants. 
If you have plants in pots investigate if they are hiding in the soil or under the pot. They come out at night to eat. Diatomaceous earth also known as diatomite or kieselgur surround it around your plant. This is a salt. It can change your soil chemstry. Copper rings round the steam other method is to use anti slugs copper tape or Slug & Snail Shocka fabric

if you're looking for some more eco-friendly and natural ways to help control snails, consider the following:
You can create a very simple garlic spray that will kill and repel snails as well. Simply soak half a cup of crushed garlic in half a cup of vegetable oil for about a week. Then, dilute the mixture with about 5 cups of water and a couple of teaspoons of liquid soap. Place it into a spray bottle and lightly mist your herb plants. You can wash your herbs before drying so that there is no hint of the garlic taste or smell. Also, this type of garlic spray is an effective fungicide that will help repel many other insects and pests as well.

Many people use coffee grounds with great success in killing snails and slugs. Caffeine in coffee causes all kinds of problems for the little cardiovascular system of a snail. Snails literally have heart attacks and die when they consume coffee grounds. Also, using coffee grounds around your potted herbs will act as very effective mulch as well.

If you plant strong smelling herb plants like thyme, mint or rosemary in pots and place them next to the herb you want to protect, you will find you have very few problems with slugs or snails. Snails are repelled by the odors that these types of plants produce, and will generally look for other types of foliage on which to munch.

Biological Control Agents:
Speaking about garden pest control, ground beetles are one of the most beneficial insects there, although it must be admitted, they probably have bad breath.
That’s because these beetles eat slugs! Most ground beetles only eat slug eggs and baby slugs, but one particularly voracious variety is called the “slug-snail destroyer,” and it takes on some big ones.
Firefly larva eat snails and slugs.
Greenhouse Insect Management:

Lily Leaf Beetle:
Some beetles are also a pest for the plants like the lily leaf beetle. Tetrastichus setifer is likely the best candidate for controlling the LLB.

1 comment:

  1. in 1 month cannabis plants can reach 1.5m if the conditions are correct!
